Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ave atque Vale

I was saddened by Olivia’s last post. She has decided to leave the world of blogging—at least for a while. So I have removed her lyrical Toast and Honey from my list of English blogs. I will miss her lovely writing.

I was, however, delighted to add a second blogger to my “People I know” links. Please welcome Kim at Mad Mommy Meanderings. I have known Kim for close to thirty years and I knew her grandparents and her parents before that.

Makes me seem kind of old.

1 comment:

MadM said...

Thank you for the warm welcome, Beryl! Having read your Blog off and on for the past couple of years, I can't believe I overcame my awe at your writing and research skills enough to "jump in". I may never come close to the quality and variety of yours, but it certainly is fun!

And you are not old - more like truly timeless!

