Friday, January 19, 2018

Happy Anniversary, Peter and Lucy

Everyone who knows anything about Michigan knows that January is a wanton month. Take this year with temperatures of 2 degrees Fahrenheit, or other years with deep snow falls or ice storms. So no one with any sense invites people to travel from out of state or organizes a party or a celebration in January, right?

Well, five years ago we did. For so many reasons it was the right time for Peter and Lucy to be married. Invitations were sent, the church calendar worked out, arrangements were made for the reception and for flowers and musicians and everything that goes into a wedding. Lucy had her dress made and she took possession of it just a few days before the wedding. January 19 dawned bright and sunny. There was still snow underfoot, but the roads were clear. We all breathed a sigh of relief and everything went off like clock-work.

Now five years later they are the parents of three year old Joe and one year old Gigi and in March there will be a third little one. And come to think of it, summer weddings are often the occasion of 100 degree temperatures, monsoons and storms, so we did make the right decision after all. Happy Anniversary to two hardworking, hospitable and faith-filled people.

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